Would you like to know how to manifest your own destiny? There is a definite truth to the motto “You can do whatever you can put your mind to”. Anybody who has effectively manifested a goal starts with an awakening thought which fuses into a desire and then through focus, devotion and persistence have realized their desire into reality.
Instincts-Finding abundance by listening
We live in an abundant Universe where food grows from the ground and hangs on tree limbs. Water flows as far as the eye can see and beyond. The sky runs on infinitely, and the animals always have an abundance of food and shelter.
So why do we doubt the abundance for our own lives. If the animals are provided for in this rich Universe, which we are a part of; then we are too. The only difference between them and us is they trust their instincts to lead them to what they need.
We on the other hand doubt our instincts at every turn, which leads us into fear and lack. Yes, I said it! Go ahead:-) Tweet this
Once you begin to practice trusting your own instincts then you will begin to follow clues, hunches, ideas, inspiration and your intuition. This is what a person with a wealthy mindset does automatically. Hunches and intuition always lead to abundance, because it is your natural inner guide leading you to a prosperous outcome.
Ask any wealthy person and they will tell you that they get hunches all the time, and they stop whatever they may be doing at the moment, and act on that hunch. It always leads to money and more wealth and abundance. Always!
How many times have you ignored your hunches and intuition. How many times has it cost you?
Goals- Write down your goals
The second part to manifesting your own destiny is being absolutely certain about what your goals are. Every minute detail is significant as it adds to your inner experience and the feeling of having what you want. Write down in complete and clear-cut detail exactly what you desire– by writing down your goals your mind executes a ‘mini-visualization’ and produces a subliminal snapshot which it attaches to your goal.
Your goal must be written in the present-day tense using an affirmative delivery, for example “It is August 2008 and I have $20,000 saved towards my home deposit” rather than “I am going to save money for my home deposit”. Positively direct what you are saying, thinking and feeling towards your wish and ensure that it is aligned as closely as possible to your essential core beliefs.
Focus-Create a laser focus on your goals
To produce the life of your dreams you have to have your heart set on it, be unconditionally immersed and focused, and never give up on the belief that it is yours – continue believing that your dream will be fulfilled. The instant you confirm an intention to manifest a specific thing the universe has already created it, however, you have to persist with a regular focus before it can be realized in your life.
In keeping with the universal Law of Attraction: the energy vibration that is circulated from our thoughts manifests itself, and is magnetically drawn towards a corresponding vibration. Whatever you consistently center your thoughts and attention on will be magnetically drawn towards your vibration and will become your reality. Tweet this
Visualization- You must be able to SEE clearly
Visualize and create a blueprint in your mind of your intention. This is a terrific way to speed up the manifesting procedure. If you find it hard to create a picture in your mind then collate an assortment of pertinent pictures in a special book or a PowerPoint presentation and spend between ten to thirty minutes fixating your attention on your goal.
To improve the effectiveness of this process you should incorporate the use of all five senses if possible– by including touch, taste, smell, sight and sound you will magnify your visualization experience.
While performing my daily visualization ritual I have found the Dream Manifesto Wizard program to be a very beneficial tool that helps me to remain focused on my goals and dreams. This software is scientifically designed in accordance with quantum physics principles and uses specialized templates, sounds, and images that appeal to your senses.
Believe- If you can believe it you can achieve it
We’ve all heard that saying before. Believe that what you desire is yours right now – feel your pulse race and the excitement overload from achieving your goal. As you visualize what you desire imagine that it is already yours in the present moment.
Do not ponder “how” your goal is going to come about – just trust that you have put your order in and it is on its way. We live in a Universe which is overflowing with abundance and anything you desire is possible– just believe it to be so in the present moment.
The Law of Attraction provides you with the ability to realize anything you desire. The true essence of life is our tremendous capability to manifest, and we all have this marvelous skill. The honest truth is – YOU were born to manifest miracles!
To YOUR Success,
P.S. Hit the share button and help a friend to manifest their destiny!
P.S.S. A belief is only a thought you keep thinking, therefore you can change your thoughts and change your beliefs about money and wealth! Marinate…