Six Steps to Kick-Start the New Year


Set Proper Goals

The reason I want to talk about goal setting today is because the price of regret is much higher than the price of discipline. When we are intentional about our goals and dreams, we should make a commitment to not look back but, to look forward. Think about how small your rear view mirror is in comparison to the windshield in front of you.  That’s because what’s about to happen in your future is so much bigger than that you left behind. Our FUTURE is what we constantly DREAM about so, let’s make our dreams a reality and commit to proper goal setting.

There are six(6) steps to kick starting your new year and that’s proper goal setting! Before I share with you these 6 steps…I want you to close your eyes! With your eyes still closed, I want you to be soooooo SPECIFIC with your goals that even with your eyes closed…you can picture your goals! Take about 30 seconds of silence to do this exercise. If you cannot see your goals…you will most likely never hit them.   An amazing leader Holton Buggs once said, “you don’t get out of life what you want, you actually “Get what you PICTURE”!  Be so clear on what you want that you see it in your mind daily! Let’s move on to the first step of goal setting.

#1.  The first step to goal setting is to write it down. 

Commit to putting your goals in written form.  To think…is to put it in ink! Write your goals down.  If it’s an income goal…how much is it?  If it’s an activity goal, what activity do you plan to implement?

Goals should be written daily, weekly and monthly (or) some people might say short, medium, and long term. In any case, make sure your goals are in writing.  Think about it, If we were playing the lottery and someone gave us the winning number.  Would we want to chance on committing it to MEMORY…or would we want to write it down?  We should feel the same way about our goals, we shouldn’t chance them to our memory…WRITE THEM DOWN!

#2.  The second step is to have a date of completion.

A goal without a date is just and illusion, or wishful thinking.  If we don’t put a date or deadline on achieving our goals…what will happen is, most of us will just keep wandering, tweaking, and waiting for something miraculous to happen! In all actuality, having dates of completions or deadlines are the very things that forces us to think about what it’s going to take to accomplish the goal!  Also; dates help us to keep things prioritized.  Deadlines will also create a sense of urgency!  It’s very important to put a date of completion on your goals to make them valid.

#3.  The third step to goal setting is to IDENTIFY the obstacles. 

What’s going to get in your way and try to stop us from hitting our goals?  Can I share with you ladies and gentlemen….it will be LIFE!  Life will creep in and try to break you down daily.   An example of something that happened to me today was the lights going out!  There was a power outage in my entire neighborhood.  This certainly was something beyond my control.  But one of my daily goals for today…was to take down my Christmas tree and put everything back in its place.  Because I had NO lights….do I put this task on the back burner…or do I open the windows and use the natural daylight?

This might seem irrelevant to your life goals but, I’m just saying…. life is going to throw us a curve ball, and when it does…we have to be ready to SWING for the fences.  Stuff gone happen (in ibonics), Murphy is gonna come.  Y’all do know who Murphy is right?  If you’ve ever heard of Murphy’s law, you do know that’s the only LAW, you want to be sure to BREAK!   Murphy’s law is this: anything that can go wrong in life will go wrong and is sure to create havoc in your life! Do not let Murphy come in and throw you off your game.  The way we prevent Murphy from creeping in…is to PLAN FOR THE obstacles!

#4.  The fourth step to goal setting is to know who you are working with!

Pick your champion.  In our business of relationship marketing we want to pick a champion that we can model!  Also we want to pick 2-3 champions who are willing to duplicate the system we have in place for the team.

For Example:

  • A Champion to model can be a senior business partner or a person you admire whose principles of living is in alignment with your own personal beliefs. Ex: Network marketing authors like Jim Rohn or Eric Worre.  It could be a person who has climbed the charts in your own platform.  But find somebody you can copy…just make sure you are in alignment.
  • Picking a champion within your team would be to find somebody that is fits the (W.I.N.) formula!  The W is for their willingness to learn.  Are they WILLING to be teachable and coachable? The (I) is for Initiative. Is this person inspired enough to take INITIATIVE? to do the action…to do the work. Are you yourself INSPIRED…&…can you inspire others to believing they are worthy of getting their goals and dreams?  What’s Inside of you?  …(IN—Spired) Inspiration comes from within you!   The (N)…is for Never Quit.  The person you are working with…have they made at least a 12-to-18month commitment to Not Quit!  You don’t want to waste time dragging people…A great mentor Jim Rohn said:  You can help a thousand,but you can’t carry 3 on your back! We are looking for people who are WILLING to commit!


#5.  Step number five is the GPS…Have your game plan system in place.

Here’s where you Plan your work….and Work your plan.  Many of us don’t know how to plan proper. This is how proper planning can look:

  • How many exposures will we do daily
  • How many customers will we get weekly
  • How many people will we sponsor weekly
  • How many meetings will we attend
  • What tools will we utilize to help us reach our goal?

Planning our work is crucial.  Remember:  People don’t plan to fail in life…They simply FAIL to PLAN…and that’s what stunts our growth and prevents us from winning faster.

#6.  The sixth step to proper goal setting is WIIFM

This acronym is pronounced “wif…em” meaning…. What’s In It For ME?   What are you going to do to celebrate YOU when you reach your goals?   As for me; I like to give myself a day off and go sit on the water.  I love to fish!  Some people might love to shop…. set aside a small amount of money along the way so that you can celebrate yourself AFTER you hit certain goals.  If it’s a small goal…. celebrate on a small level, go see a movie or something! If you hit a medium goal, reward yourself accordingly…but always to reward yourself for hitting your goals!  Do not reward you your leader…. not your spouse…not your down line………..reward YOURSELF!

These are the 6-steps to kick-starting your new year with Proper Goal Setting! I hope what I have shared has been helpful! Hopefully I gave some insight on how to get your goals done!  Completing your goals helps you get your dreams!   I’ve enjoyed sharing with each one of you.  I look forward to helping and assisting you on making 2017 your BEST YEAR EVER!

So you all make it an incredible week.  I will see each of you at the top and not from the top…because we all know…. the BOTTOM….is just too crowded!   Be Blessed!



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